Why here? Why not there?

You ask this question with a puzzled look on your face I am sure. It’s actually a pretty simple answer… I am living and learning. I started wherelovemeetslife in an effort to keep freinds and family up to date with us…as well as show my creative side. But I have discovered through that blog that I prefer to blog about home decor, DIY, and that sort of thing over there. I really don’t want to mix topics too much. I still care about breastfeeding, baby-wearing, health, fitness, family…. so I need an outlet for that. And that is how Where Love and Family Meet is born. Medication free/all natural/with a little pain (to come I am sure)/ and lots of love. So stay tuned as I put myself out there in a whole new way. I promise the first post will be chock full of info that I am sure people have strong opinions, or heck, didn’t know they had one. Or maybe it will give someone something to think about so that they can start to form an opinion. Either way, it should get everyone’s attention. Hope I have yours!